Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Frost Walk by Lucas

“Wow look at all that frosty ice and snow on the road and footpath”. We crossed the road and went to the park and there was frost on the bright green grass. Andre, Finn, Nic and I got muddy as shoes from running down the grass. When I was pushing the merry go round I fell over. Meanwhile we all ran down the grass on the bright diamond sparkled snow. I had snow all over my back after I rolled down the hill and my heart was pounding really hard in my chest. It was very very scary. Then me and Andre slid down on the concrete.  We all went down the hill. Nic, Finn and Andre all fell over on black ice and they all fell on their butts by dark black ice. They did not know the would slip over because the black ice was like an icy river.


  1. It would have been really scary trying to walk over the dark black ice river and it must have hurt when you all fell over on the ice. I am glad you didn’t break an arm or leg.

    1: You have used different sentence starters
    2: You have used adjectives to describe the grass and the ice.

    You remember to use your senses like what you could hear, see, feel, smell.

    By Miss Collins

  2. It would have been really scary trying to walk over the dark black ice river and it must have hurt when you all fell over on the ice. I am glad you didn’t break an arm or leg.

    1: You have used different sentence starters
    2: You have used adjectives to describe the grass and the ice.

    You remember to use your senses like what you could hear, see, feel, smell.

    By Miss Collins
