Sunday, August 9, 2015


Whoosh I heard as the scooters made a bumpy sound as I was racing past Miss Collins and Finn. Then slowly speeding up behind me was Nic.Suddenly I saw Nic crashing onto the grass. Then me and Nic had a time trial. Miss Collins timed me on her phone and my time was 28 seconds and so was Nic’s too. After that we had a time trial race. At the end of the race I won and my time was 27 seconds. I felt happy and my heart was pounding of joyness. Then Miss Collins had a go on my scooter I timed her on her phone and her time was 50 seconds. Sneakily I went onto the bowl when I went up I did a trick and my scooter slid. I thought  I was going to slip but I did not. Then I went back down and when I went up I did a really high jump. When I landed I could feel the scooter crashing down. Then my bars felt like they were going to snap. I said “wow that was scary”.

by Lucas

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